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Iodase Deep Impact Ultra Concentrato 100ml

Valuación 4,33/5 (Numero de votos: 3)

Natural Project Iodase Deep Impact Ultra Concentrato. Intensive remodelling toning treatmente. ABDOMEN and HIPS. LOCALISED ADIPOSITY

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No disponible para esta zona geográfica: España  

Ultrafluid For an intensive treatment that you can choose to concentrate thermogenic action. Just a small amount that is absorbed quickly, to distribute the fabric a high concentration of specific substances to counteract the imperfections due to the processes that lead to the accumulation of excess fat. Innovative treatment that, thanks to FOSFASLIM ® (phosphatidylcholine + Acetylhexapeptide-39) and genistein, acts both remodeling intensively line the stomach and hips, countering that the skin blemishes due to the accumulation of new fat. The presence of caffeine is also important because of its known properties toning and reshaping. Carnitine is a substance that is a natural constituent of the cells of our body. The new content FOSFASLIM Acetylhexapeptide-39 ® also helps make the skin firm and toned.

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