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Iodase Menopausa 200ml

Valuación 4/5 (Numero de votos: 2)

Natural Project Iodase Menopausa. Treatment cryo-thermal remodeling. Specific ADIPOSITY LOCALIZED * With menopause the natural production of female hormones decreases, causing a "slow metabolism".

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No disponible para esta zona geográfica: España  
IODASE MENOPAUSA CREAM Treatment cryo-thermal remodeling. Specific ADIPOSITY LOCALIZED * With menopause the natural production of female hormones decreases, causing a "slow metabolism". IODASE MENOPAUSA cream is a formula designed to fight blemishes due to fat deposits, located in the waist and hips, typical in postmenopausal women. And 'specific treatment for skin metabolism to "slow" (menopause).
With a brand new TIME-SLIM COMPLEX acts by counteracting remodeling the silhouette and the impoverishment of the anchor structure of the skin, dermal epidermal junction. The skin regains elasticity and appears firmer and protected from free radicals. The pleasant feeling of contrast HOT / COLD (CRIOTERMICO EFFECT) on the treated areas that you feel is specifically designed to promote the use of cosmetics for sensitive skin.


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