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Sport Lipobreak Abdomen and sides Cosmetic Oil 10x10ml

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Natural project Sport Lipobreak Abdomen and sides Cosmetic Oil. Lipobreak Cosmetics Phosphatidylcholine 10% Shock Treatment ABDOMEN and HIPS Thermogenic Effect of Phosphatidylcholine treatment to 10% pure, fast absorbing.

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No disponible para esta zona geográfica: España  
Lipobreak Cosmetics Phosphatidylcholine 10% Shock Treatment ABDOMEN and HIPS Thermogenic Effect of Phosphatidylcholine treatment to 10% pure, fast absorbing. It PREPARES INSTANTLY mixing the functional principles contained in the cap with the oil contained in the vial. The combined action of functional ingredients focused and made more stable by acting in preparation for instant sharp and focused sull'inestetismo skin. The presence of Genistein also to 2%, adjuvant to counteract the imperfections of adiposity, and Caffeine to 2%, which is important for its known properties reshaping, makes the treatment based on phosphatidylcholine particularly useful on skin problems that are not optimal for dietary habits or a sedentary lifestyle, are particularly resistant to conventional treatments.

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