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Mosqueton Heavy Duty Screw Alu Anodized

Valuación 4/5 (Numero de votos: 1)

Kong Carabiner Heavy Duty Screw Alu Anodized Cod.785NNN6ANKK High tensile aluminum carabiner with screw gate; 36kN 88g

Consulte la descripción

No disponible para esta zona geográfica: España  
Model: Kong Carabiner Heavy Duty Screw Alu Anodized
Code: 785NNN6ANKK

High tensile aluminum carabiner with screw gate. Heavy Duty Alu is the aluminum connector with the highest strength in the range of aluminium carabiners of our production.
The particular D shape prevents the rotation of the hook and allows distribution of most of the load along the stronger axis. Equipped with screw gate which makes it perfect for all professional applications. High quality product completely developed and produced in Italy. Tested piece by piece.

Alu alloy, black anodized, individually tested.
kN:  36 - 11 - 13
Type: asimmetric
CE EN 362/BCE  -  EN 12275/K  -- UIAA
Size: 120 x 64 mm
Weight: 88g

Instructions for using KONG connectors – DPI class III
Always make sure that connectors inserted in their anchorage are able to move freely and take up position in the right direction of load with gates always perfectly closed.
Fig. 1 - Position offering maximum resistance. Warning: connectors are less resistant when connected with wide items (fig. 2).
- Calculate effective loads that connectors will have to bear (fig. 3) before using them for suspension (double-cord descent); these loads must never exceed the load marked on the connector by more than a 1/4 (SWL 1:4),
- It is preferable to use models with automatic gate locking device the connector has to be opened and closed frequently.
Fig. 4 – Example of how to use the “half-anchor hitch” to dynamically secure the second person in the roped party.
Fig. 5 – Progession rope correctly inserted in the “Express”.
Fig. 6 – Incorrect and dangerous way to use the express:
- warning the connector gate could be opened against projecting rock or anchorage during the climb,
- warning the rope could accidentally slip out if you fall.
Fig. 7 – Using the “Express” helps the rope to slide through.
Examples of accidental opening:
- impact against rocks (fig.8),
- projecting rock opening the gate (fig. 9),
- vibrations caused by the rope whipping through during a fall (fig.10).
Examples of incorrect and dangerous positions:
- anchorage too large for the gate to close (fig. 11),
- positions causing side and/or transverse stress and/or twisting (fig. 12),
- the descender forcing the locknut (fig. 13).
Warning: never grip onto connectors as in figure 14 to help yourselves up

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