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Brewer's yeast 500 tabletas

Valuación 4,17/5 (Numero de votos: 6)

Lifeplan Brewer's yeast 500 tabletas

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Lifeplan - Brewer's yeast

Brewers Yeast is a powerfulhealth source of B-vitamins, amino acids, proteins, minerals, enzymes and nucleic acids. Brewers Yeast may be helpful supporting healthy cholesterol levels already within a normal range, is rich in glucose tolerance factor nutrient chromium, has immune supporting properties.*Natural grain grown. Mild tasting. TwinLab Brewers Yeast has been recognized as a storehouse of 100% pure natural nutrients without added vitamins or minerals. It should not be confused with "brewers type yeast" or "brewers molasses grown yeast" for these yeasts are primary grown, whereas TwinLab Brewers yeast is grain grown and is 100% genuine brewers yeast of superb quality and freshness. One heaping tablespoon provides 50% protein with all the essential amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and trace elements.

Mean analysis
Per 100g
Per daily dose (6 tablets)
Brewer's yeast
28,57g 300mg
0,16g 1,65mg
0,8g 0,79mg
0,61g 6,45mg
*RDA%: Percent of the Recommended Daily Allowance.

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