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Knee support with Patella Stabilizer Color: Gris

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Mad Max Knee support with Patella Stabilizer Color: Gris

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No disponible para esta zona geográfica: España  


Dangerous Game neoprene bandages were developed to provide the best reinforcement as well as warming for effective prevention and to aid recovery from sports injuries.

Neoprene support and injury recovery system

The bandages are made of the highest quality 3 mm wide neoprene.
This provides highly efficient reinforcement and helps to maintain heat on the body. They warm the injured area and increase blood circulation in the affected area.
Maintenance of temperature and simultaneous compression reduce the risk of muscle extension and tearing during sport or other physical loads.
Increased blood circulation supports the body's natural self-healing processes, reduces pain, oedema and stiffness and helps to accelerate recovery from injury.

WARNING: Never use the Dangerous Game neoprene bandage after having applied warming or heat producing ointment or emulsions on the affected area. If you have any doubts about your injury, seek medical advice.

Dangerous Game universal knee neoprene bandage

  • Efficient warming bandage to accelerate recovery and prevent knee injuries.
  • Produced from the highest quality 3 mm wide neoprene ensuring highly effective reinforcement.
  • Pre-shaped for the knee joint and special anatomical shape allowing comfortable movement without limitation of movement.
  • Ideal for all types of sport as well as for everyday use, suitable for both men and women.
  • The patella opening and reinforcement (patellar stabilizer) reduces the pressure on the patella, while controlling its movement.

Thanks to special anatomical shaping this bandage is suitable for all sizes and allows perfectly accurate tightening thanks to two opposing locks.

Available sizes: Universal

Code: MFA-297

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