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Viper Boost Bar 1 barra de 45 gramos

Valuación 5/5 (Numero de votos: 1)

Maximuscle Focus System - Viper Boost Bar 1 x 45g.

Consulte la descripción

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Maximuscle Focus System - Viper Boost Bar

Viper Boost bar is an advanced sports snack that contains a blend of nutrients to help to enhance mental focus and alertness during exercise. The first and only endurance fuel bar on the market with stimulating caffeine, it also provides carbohydrate to fuel your training session and re-energise your power output. Formulated using the latest sports science research, Viper Boost bars are a delicious, dark chocolate and apricot cereal snack option and being soft and moist in texture; the ideal option during a long ride or run. Whether you eat one immediately before exercise or during training and events, smart sports nutrition is key to you achieving a new personal best!


How Viper Boost bars can help you


30g of energising carbohydrates to fuel your body for optimal performance.



141mg of stimulating caffeine with guarana for a mental and physical boost when you need it most.


Immune Support

High in vitamin C to help improve immune support and help contribute to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue.

Mean analysis (Fruit, cereal and dark chocolate)Per 100gPer bar (45g)
Energy value 425Kcal / 1789KJ 191Kcal / 805KJ
Protein 7.5g 3.4g
Carbohydrate 68.5g 30.8g
of which sugars                 30.4g 13.7g
Fat 13.7g 6.2 g
of which saturates 3.9g 1.8g
Fibre 2.4g 1.1g
Sodium 0g 0g
Vitamin C 343mg (429% RDA*) 155mg (194% RDA*)
L-tyrosine 2300mg 1035mg
Caffeine 313mg 141mg
*RDA: Recommended Daily Allowance

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and Ministry of Health. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. These informations are issued by the Manufacturer.

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