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MC-Monsta Stretch-Art-Series Beanie-68 Color: Negro Blanco

Valuación 5/5 (Numero de votos: 2)
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Monsta Clothing Co MC-Monsta Stretch-Art-Series Beanie-68. This black full-cut beanie is for the hard-core bodybuilder, powerlifter or weightlifter alike.

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Monsta Clothing Co - Mc-Monsta Stretch-Art-Series Beanie-68 - IAFSTORE.COM

This black full-cut beanie is for the hard-core bodybuilder, powerlifter or weightlifter alike. The MC-Monsta logo is sewn as part of the beanie for a true Stretch fit for the most comfortable beanie Monsta has ever offered. The artwork is part of the material and will last the life of the beanie. The over-sized design floods the head for a true wrap-around look and feel. If you push the limits like you push the iron then Monsta Clothing bodybuilding, powerlifting, weightlifting, workout clothes, and overall fitness apparel is for you.  WARNING! You just might unleash the beast.

  • Monsta Brand 8" (Full-Cut) Beanie
  • 100% Acrylic
  • Black Inner Lining
  • Beanie Body Color: Black White

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Assurdo un cappellino 37…
de SALVADOR en 24/03/2017
Assurdo un cappellino 37 euro neanche fosse un capo di alta moda.
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