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Mosqueton William Triact-Lock

Valuación 4,75/5 (Numero de votos: 4)

PETZL CARABINER Mosqueton William Triact-Lock M36TL Pear-shaped carabiner for belay stations and belaying with Munter hitch, Auto-locking system TRIACT-LOCK, 25kN 88g

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No disponible para esta zona geográfica: España  
Model: Petzl Mosqueton William Triact-Lock
Code: M36TL

Pear-shaped carabiner for belay stations and belaying with Munter hitch

A large carabiner can come in handy in many places. This one's shape and size means it's useful for belaying and rappelling with the Munter hitch with single or double ropes, anchoring multiple ropes and slings and keeping the belay station organized.

Pear shape facilitates use with the Munter hitch for single or double ropes. Large shape and gate opening can fit multiple slings and ropes. Keylock system. Auto-locking system TRIACT-LOCK.


Material(s) : aluminum 7000
Certification(s) : CE EN 362
CE EN 12275, types B, H (SL), types K, B, H (BL and TL)
UIAA 121 (SL, BL only)

Reference(s):M36 TL
Weight: 88 g
Locking system: TRIACT-LOCK
Major axis strength: 25 kN
Open gate strength: 7 kN
Minor axis strength: 7 kN
Gate opening: 24 mm
Made in: US
Guarantee: 3 years




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