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Rice & Rice - Rice Biscuits with Orange Filling 6 x 33 gramos

Valuación 4,25/5 (Numero de votos: 4)

Probios Rice & Rice - Rice Biscuits with orange filling 6 x 33g.

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Probios - Rice & Rice - Rice Biscuits with Orange Filling

Riso Delizia is a snack-biscuit filled with delicious orange compote. Made in Italy, this rice flour-based product is milk-free, beer yeast-free and gluten-free. The packaging bears the symbol of the crossed-out ear of wheat.


Mean analysis

Per 100g

By piece


energy value

391 kcal / 1645 kJ

130 kcal / 548 kJ


2,6 g

0,8 g


69,0 g

23,0 g

of which sugars

33,0 g

11,0 g


11,0 g

3,7 g

of which saturates

5,1 g

1,7 g


2,6 g

0,8 g


0,2 g

0,07 g


*RDA: Recommended Daily Allowance

Ingredients: orange compote (*corn syrup, *apple puree, *orange juice 16%, *orange rind, gelling agent: citrus pectin, acidity corrector: citric acid, natural flavourings), *unhydrogenated vegetable oil, *corn flour, *rice flour, *potato starch, *cane sugar, *corn starch, *corn syrup, *soy flour, *egg, *apple fibre, salt, rising agents (monocalcium phosphate, acid sodium carbonate), natural flavouring, thickener: guar gum. *organic.  

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