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Basic Heart Rate Belt Coded

Valuación 4/5 (Numero de votos: 1)

SUUNTO Basic Heart Rate Belt SS016741000 Accessories for Suunto devices. Sends accurate heart rate information to your compatible Suunto device.

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No disponible para esta zona geográfica: España  
Model: SUUNTO Basic Heart Rate Belt
Code: SS016741000

Sends accurate heart rate information to your compatible Suunto device
Suunto Basic Heart Rate Belt - Monitor your heart rate with accuracy

Monitor your heart rate with precision and comfort. The Basic Heart Rate Belt sends accurate heart rate information to your compatible Suunto heart rate monitor.

Easy to use and comfortable to wear, the Basic Heart Rate Belt uses analog signal with 29 different codes to eliminate cross-talk with other heart rate monitors while sending heart rate information to your compatible heart rate monitor, giving you an exact, real-time reading of your performance.

The thin length-adjustment buckles minimize the risk of friction and abrasions, allowing you to train with minimal interruption.

Get the accurate heart rate information you need to reach your goals. The Basic Heart Rate Belt is compatible with M1 and M2 heart rate monitors as well as with Vector HR.


- Sends precise heart rate information to your compatible Suunto heart rate monitor in real time
- Fits securely against your body, with thin length-adjustment buckles for maximum comfort
- User replaceable battery
- Basic Heart Rate Belt is compatible with Suunto M1 and M2 heart rate monitors as well as with Vector HR

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