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Ferme - Gel Raffermissant Ventre de Femme 100ml

Évaluation 4,29/5 (Nombre de votes: 7)

ErbaVoglio Sodo - Ab Firming Gel for Woman 100ml.

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ErbaVoglio - Sodo Ab Firming Gel for Woman (100ml)

Specifically designed to firm the abdomen, to restore elasticity and tone the skin in this area while eliminating fatty deposits. It is composed entirely of natural active principles such as lemon-mint that improves the condition of the skin leaving your abdomen flat and toned. Essential oils of Lemon and Peppermint: astringent and toning, they stimulate local and peripheric circulation. Blend of extracts of Calendula – Arnica – Ippocastano – Ivy: Calendula moisturizes and smoothes the skin. It soothes reddened and chafed skin, and also eases the scarring process. Arnica is an effective astringent that tones, hyperemise, is thermo-active and stimulates the circulation. Ippocastano is used to improve the appearance of tired, relaxed skin and is consider to be one of the most effective vasoconstrictors. Ivy is used in the treatment of cellulitic dermo-hypodermosis and also in the treatment of swollen skin. Caffeine: Promotes lipolysis (break down of fat by activation of the lipase of the adipose cells) and acts directly on the build up of subcutaneous fat.

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