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Cryo Redux System Gel 200ml

Évaluation 4/5 (Nombre de votes: 5)
Commentaires des clients: 1

Fgm04 Cryo Redux System Gel. Cosmetic emulsion typically addressed to the contrast of imperfections caused by the localized accumulation of fat and by cellulite

Voir la description

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Fgm04 - Cryo Redux System Gel - IAFSTORE.COM

Cosmetic emulsion typically addressed to the contrast of imperfections caused by the localized accumulation of fat and by cellulite. When applied it creates an hot/cold enforcement action that is innovative and enjoyable and that makes this product safe for those suffering from particular weakness of the blood capillaries allowing the to use it with total confidence. Thanks to the technical nature of the formulation, the product has an important detoxifying and drainage capacity. Recommended for those who have fat deposits caused by water retention.Method Of Use

Apply on the target area performing a circular massage until absorption twice a day. When physical activity is performed is highly recommended to use it before and after the workout. Particularly effective, so as to enhance the already excellent drainage and detoxinant capacities, is the combination with ICEBERG GEL SYSTEM. Wash hands after application.

Commentaires des clients (1)

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La pelle in effetti diventa…
par IDENTIFIANT D'UTILISATEUR 475601 am 26/05/2018Achat vérifié
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