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Iodase Cell Concentré de liquide 100ml

Évaluation 4,33/5 (Nombre de votes: 3)

Natural Project Iodase Cell Concentré de liquide 100ml.

Voir la description

Il n'est pas disponible pour cette région: France  
NATURAL PROJECT Iodase Cell Concentré de liquide

INTENSIVE cosmetic treatment for Sensitive skin and an adjuvant against imperfections caused by CELLULITE.


IODASE CELL CONCENTRATED FLUID is the first Caffeine, Guarana, Carnitine, Carnosine, Vit PP (transmitted and with slow release technology) based treatment that is specific for sensitive skins. It is an adjuvant in cases of imperfections of the skin caused by cellulite.


IODASE CELL CONCENTRATED FLUID acts in a constant and focussed way to reduce typical imperfections caused by cellulite making the skin compact, toned and smooth. The precious extracts of vegetal origin contained in the product have a replenishing effect on the skin, combatting imperfections in the cutaneous layer in a longlasting and effective way throughout the treatment.


The new slow release technology of the active substances in the cream is released gradually and continuously where the skin has most need in order to actively combat the imperfections caused by cellulite and the loss of skin tone.


IODASE CELL CONCENTRATED FLUID also contains Holly, Escin, Camelia sinesis, Vitis vinifera and bitter Orange for a decisive remodelling effect together with Hyaluronic Acid for smoother and more toned skin.


HOW TO USE: apply once or twice to the area to be treated and massage until the product is completely absorbed. Ideal when used with IODASE CELL Cream.


Main ingredients: Caffeine, Guarana, Carnitine, Carnosine, Escin, Camelia sinesis, Vitis vinifera  bitter Orang, Hyaluronic Acid


Packaging: 100 ml bottle.

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