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Fresh Omega Salmon Oil 90 softgels

Évaluation 4/5 (Nombre de votes: 2)

MRM Fresh Omega Salmon Oil 90 softgels.

Voir la description

Il n'est pas disponible pour cette région: France  
Dietary supplement with fish oil source of EPA and DHA

Clinically validated one a day formula. Whole omega oil with nature's EPA, DHA, & DPA. From catch to oil in only hours. Patents Pending. Extra Virgin Oil produced using a gentle, low temperature extraction method without boiling, high pressure, distillation, deodorization, bleaching, or solvents. Crafted to be Pesco-Vegetarian friendly, MRM uses only fish gelatin softgels. Comprehensively integrated supply chain allows for 100% sustainable and organically nutured Atlantic salmon. Higher in naturally occurring Astaxanthin, Docosapentaenoic Acid (DPA), and other health promoting fatty acids. Clinical data confirms efficacy in lowering selected biomarkers associated with cardiovascular risk factors. Extraction takes place in an Eco-friendly facility a stone's throw from Norway's pristine fjords. No fishy burp or repeat. Freshness is the key. Using a technique 10 years in development, Fresh Omega's Extra Virgin Norwegian Salmon Oil is extracted within only hours of being caught. By avoiding high temperatures, distillation, solvents and high pressures the oil is as complete as raw whole food. It's a sophisticated method that uses enzymes to gently liberate the oil from gourmet-quality, Atlantic salmon cuts.New clinical data supports that Fresh Omega and the associated full nutrient spectrum in this oil may hold the explanation to it's efficacy. Fresh Omega contains at least 17 beneficial fatty acids, including EPA, DHA, and DPA, which some researchers have recently called the "missing link". Astaxanthin is a powerful yet unstable carotenoid found in many plants and animals. The quantity of natural astaxanthin is a testament to the delicate extraction of these amazing fish.

Directions For OMEGA SALMON OIL: 1 softgel per day with water.

CONTENU NET 118,8 grams

STORAGE: Keep in a cool dry place.

90 Softgels
Serving Size: 1 softgel
Servings per container:  90
Amount Per Serving
Per 1 softgel

Extra virgin salmon

Omega 3


DHA intake in


EPA intake in

DPA intake in 20mg

other omega 3 intake in


Omega 5

Omega 6 120mg
Omega 7 70mg
Omega 9 300g


Ingredients: extra virgin fish (salmon), shell: gelatin, resistance agent: glycerin, antioxidant: rosemary extract, astaxanthin.

Do not use if packaging has been tampered with. Store in a cool, dry place.

Ingrédients: Huile d'olive vierge de poissons (saumon), boîtier: Gélatine, agent de résistance: glycérine, antioxydant: extrait de romarin, astaxanthine.
Lisez attentivement l’étiquette et les informations concernant le produit ainsi que le mode d’emploi.
Ne pas dépasser la dose journalière indiquée.
Tenir hors de portée des jeunes enfants.
Les compléments alimentaires ne soient utilisés comme substituts d'un régime alimentaire varié.
IAF network vous rappelled l’importance d’une alimentation variée et équilibrée et à un mode de vie sain.

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