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Lipolift Cheekbones 15ml

Évaluation 3,67/5 (Nombre de votes: 3)

Natural Project Lipolift Cheekbones. Firmness and tone for a younger looking face. The presence of a novel hexapeptide, gives the product a strong action "repulping", in order to visibly reduce the unaesthetic volume loss.

Voir la description

Il n'est pas disponible pour cette région: France  

The cheekbones are a focal point for the beauty of the face and when the skin begins to weaken, the cheeks are flushed. Lipo is a special cream Cheekbones Contouring and Plumping action thanks to the lipo-filling cosmetic appearance of involved both cheeks, filling, that the appearance of the cheeks, redesigning the profile. Firmness and tone for a younger looking face. The presence of a novel hexapeptide, gives the product a strong action "repulping", in order to visibly reduce the unaesthetic volume loss. This compound enhances the natural process of accumulation of connective tissue, filler, in the adipose cells of the dermis, and counteracts the thinning skin typical of the cheekbones as a result of the aging time trial. The 'adhesion to the underlying layers of the skin is improved by the "volume effect": the skin benefits from compact tone and smoothness, and appears to be "restructured". Already after the first month of treatment, the contours appear more full and rounded giving the face a softer and younger.

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